
The Canadian Facility for Atom Probe Tomography


Date: Jan, 2022

Cameca and PolyAPT collaborate in to open up new areas of application for Atom Probe Tomography

Cameca and PolyAPT will work together on using the new Cameca Invizo 6000 system to guide and accelerate the development of novel and enhanced functionalities relevant to a variety of applications. These applications include information technology, photonics, quantum technologies, clean energy, aerospace and transportation, metallurgy, and health and bio-integrated technologies.

Date: Jan, 2020

McGill University and PolyAPT collaborate on the three-dimensional atomic scale analysis of biomaterials and the development materials for Lithium-Ion batteries

McGill University and PolyAPT will work together on extending the usage of Atom Probe Tomography towards imaging the interface between biominerals in hard biological materials like bones or teeth and the soft tissue that surrounds them. The main challenges include preserving these materials in their ideal natural hydrated state during the sample preparation process and carrying out correlative microscopy to enable the characterization of the full-scale of hierarchical organized structures such as bones from the anatomical macroscale over the microscale to the nanoscale.

The two institutions will furthermore work together on understanding the structure-property-performance relationship of battery materials. Using a combination of Focused Ion Beam assisted Scanning Electron Microscopy Tomography and Atom Probe Tomography we will map the distribution of  Lithium in battery components in order to understand its impact on the battery’s performance.

Date: Jan, 2020

École de technologie supérieure Montreal and PolyAPT collaborate on the development high strength magnesium alloys and high strength steels

École de technologie supérieure Montreal and PolyAPT will work together on the development of high strength magnesium alloys and high strength steels. Atom Probe Tomography will be used to characterize carbon segregations at the interface between different phases to create a reliable understanding of the formation of nanocrystalline bainitic structures utilized for high strength steel. Furthermore, long period stacking ordered structures high strength magnesium alloys will be studied using Atom Probe analyses to reveal the distribution of zinc and rare earth materials in these alloys.

Date: Jan, 2020

Université de Sherbrooke and PolyAPT collaborate on the development of quantum materials

Université de Sherbrooke and PolyAPT will work together on the development of quantum materials for the implementation of qubits. The Atom Probe’s unique capability of imaging the distribution of isotopes on the sub-nanometer scale will be utilized to develop the growth of nanoscale heterostructures from isotopically purified semiconducting materials like 28Si or 70Ge. These spin-free stable isotopes of commonly used semiconductors are promising candidate for the implementation of spin qubits as the nuclear spin-free environment surpresses the dephasing of the qubit spin and hence enables more stable operation of the qubits.

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